The perks
50% commission on marketplace fees
Refer new users and get 50% of their fees when they buy or sell a name on the marketplace
Bonuses are paid immediately. Only secondary marketplace purchases and sales count towards the bonus. Minting names does not count towards the bonus.
How it works
Copy your referral link.
Share your referral link with a friend.
Earn 50% of their marketplace fees when they buy or sell a name.
Gifting names or subdomains automatically count as referrals
Don't forget
Namebase pays referral fees. These fees are discretionary and up to the judgement of Namebase. We do not allow customers to refer themselves or existing users. We reserve the right to discontinue and reclaim a particular accounts referral fees if we determine that it is violating our policies. Namebase maintains the right to modify our referral policies with or without notice at any time. Namebase might not entertain any complaints surrounding referral fees for any reason.